April in Paris; Registration Open for the Spring 2019 Allotrope Connect
Registration is open for the next Allotrope Connect workshop, including the public session on Tues. April 9. Biovia (Dassault) is generously hosting our Spring 2019 conference at their 3DS Paris Campus in Vélizy-Villacoublay, FR.

The agenda will feature presentations from Member companies and vendors in the Allotrope Partner Network (APN) describing the latest work on implementing the Allotrope Framework and data standards in products and IT solutions, as well as updates on the latest developments at Allotrope and the roadmap of future work. The overriding theme for this event is “Driving Outcomes through Adoption of the Framework.”
The case for and the opportunity to migrate the laboratory from paper / electronic paper documentation to true digital capabilities is clear. Informatics capabilities exist to complete the transition. However, much of what actually exists in our labs, collective architecture, and suite of tools is still just "paper on glass" with each application or database representing its own filing cabinet with a different organizing structure and its own vocabulary. The potential for extracting more value from the data is so much greater than this, and the need for R&D to leverage data more effectively and efficiently has never been greater. You simply can't really leverage the value within data until it's digital, well-structured, and consistently contextualized.
This is an opportunity now to embrace an approach built on technology paying dividends in other vertical markets, and lead the way. The problem statement has been clearly defined, and an innovative framework for tackling that problem at its source has been developed, tested through real world use and enabled through APIs. The major conceptual and technical challenges have been surmounted, now it’s a matter of building content to cover the many domains of interest and systematically replacing or updating our current tools and infrastructure. Sure, there's a lot of work to do, but we'd be doing a lot of work anyway developing and implementing the next custom integration or bespoke helper application. The difference now is the work invested adopting these standards leads to a more sustainable infrastructure, and pays dividends orders of magnitude greater than the investments, whereas the other option is truly ad hoc- only useful once. The time to adopt is now, this workshop will help you understand how, or help you understand how to help your customers adopt, if that’s your perspective.

So, expect to see:
Presentations from companies that have put Allotrope enabled solutions in place and are realizing value;
New projects that are expanding the scope of impact;
Updates on commercial solutions available now or in the near future.
The format will be a mix of:
Full length presentations;
A lightning round for rapid idea exchange;
Networking sessions to continue building the community;
Ideation sessions in targeted areas of interest to the community;
Poster session to share additional content beyond the podium presentations.
If you want to change the status quo for acquiring, managing and leveraging data, but don’t know where to start, there is no better place to learn than at an Allotrope Connect workshop. Plan on catching the poster and networking session the night before (Mon. April 8) as well. Presentations from previous workshops can be found under Resources on this website.
Allotrope Foundation and Partner Network Members will continue working Wed. and Thurs. in parallel technical and strategic tracks, again with a focus on what Allotrope and the partners in the ecosystem can do to deliver value through adoption of the Framework and Standards.
We hope to see you in April!